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Dr Doug's Golden Paste recipe - Dr Doug's famous Golden Paste recipe has been tried and tested by hundreds of thousands of people and their pets all around the world. Try it yourself - it's quick, cheap and easy.

The World Famous Recipe

Dr Doug's famous Golden Paste recipe has been tried and tested by hundreds of thousands of people and their pets all around the world. Try it yourself - it's quick, cheap and easy.

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Time to turn to nature - pain

Is It Time To Turn To Nature?

With 19% of Australians living with chronic pain of some sort, majority of them have been or will be prescribed pain medication (analgesics). Although these nonsteroidal medications may be effective, is it time to turn to nature for a safer and possibly more effective alternative?

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Chickibams ladies at beach


Are your hormones making everything harder than it needs to be? Discover a nutritional secret weapon that fits in your pocket.

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Turmeric and weight loss

Turmeric and Adele's Weight Loss Diet

Did you hear Adele's massive weight loss has been attributed to the 'Sirtfood diet' that is high in sirtuin; a type of protein that protects the cells in our bodies from dying or becoming inflamed through illness. Turmeric is a major element of this diet and Dr Doug explains why we should consume it as Bio-Activated Turmeric. Learn more..

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 Ginger and Turmeric

The Synergy Between Ginger and Turmeric

Health research on the combination of ginger and turmeric is plentiful, and we are receiving testimonials daily from customers using the ginger power bars for their health & pain management. So let's investigate why Turmeric and Ginger work so well together. 

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