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Chickibams ladies at beach



ChickiBams Bars and Bites by Turmeric Life

Turmeric Life is excited to introduce the ChickiBams! Formulated for women of all ages (don't let the name deter the men here, you're more than welcome to eat them too!) these delicious and nutritious bites and bars are crafted using all-natural ingredients that have them tasting just like a choc-berry brownie! As women (and men), we know our hormones and body can be challenging and no matter how much we want to look and feel amazing, our bodies just don't work like that. Unless we have a nutritional secret weapon in our pock that is! Now we are not saying eating ChickiBams will turn you into Elle Macpherson (or David Beckham for all our men!), but what we are confident about is that you will want to hug Dr Doug daily!

See What Others Had To Say About The New Chickibams!


With the ChickiBams officially arriving end of April, we wanted to give you, our wonderful turmeric loving community the first chance to purchase the delicious and nutritious ChickiBams Bars and Bites as part of our customer only pre-sale! Be one of the first lucky customers to receive the first batch of wholefood goodness made for goddesses of all ages! They are so yummy, the girls in the office will have to be rationed!

Jump into life with ChickiBams Bites
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