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Turmeric Golden paste pharmaceticals

Turmeric and Drug Interactions

Turmeric and Drug Interactions

It is important to note that any herbal or bioactive substance which has real pharmacological effect also has possible interactions with medications or other herbal or dietary items. For this reason we always strongly recommend that you work with your physician or veterinarian, and let them know that you are using turmeric and/or the Turmeric Golden Paste as a dietary addition.

UPDATED  06-13-2016, By Judith Jenness

Pharmaceuticals and turmeric:

This is a work in progress. Additional classes of drugs will be added as necessary.

Disclaimer: we can give you references to known and possible interactions of pharmaceutical drugs with turmeric and piperine as components of the golden paste. We do not in any way represent ourselves as prescribing or recommending any particular approach to a given condition or pharmaceutical regime. We always strongly recommend that you work with your physician or veterinarian, and let them know that you are using turmeric and/or golden paste as a dietary addition. Any herbal or bioactive substance which has real pharmacological effect also has possible interactions with medications or other herbal or dietary items.

NOTE: all this information is available to anyone doing a simple search using terms such as “turmeric and (drug name or drug class)” or “piperine and (drug name or drug class).Your pharmacist may well be willing to advise you as well. Keep in mind that when you use the golden paste formulation, you aren’t using high concentration curcumin, but are using a low concentration dietary addition that has far fewer side-effects and possible interactions than “pure” standardized extracts. Our primary goal is to give you some information that you can use to educate yourself in order to make your own decisions, and to work with your own medical and/or veterinary practitioners.


Over the counter meds:

Right up front, please read the ingredients on any OTC meds you buy, including cold medicines, pain compounds, etc . Many of them already contain aspirin or Tylenol in particular; and neither of them is entirely benign. You should always be aware of what your total medication load is, including prescription meds, over the counter meds and herbals. And you should always let your health care practitioners know what things you are ingesting that may or may not affect your health or have interactions. This doesn’t mean that you can’t use turmeric or other things you have found efficacious, just that you need to educate yourself.


Anti-coagulants and turmeric:

Turmeric has anticoagulant effects similar to those of commonly prescribed NSAIDs and aspirin. It directly effects platelet adhesion. If you are taking Coumadin (warfarin) , then it is relatively easy to measure effects because you are already having frequent INR checks, or in some cases are already monitoring your own levels. If you have been prescribed some of the newer anticoagulants (Eliquis, Xarelto, Plavix, for example), then it is more problematic. These drugs are not monitored, so any interactions with turmeric may not be noted. You need to work with your physician, and know whether or not a dietary addition that could increase clotting time is a problem.


Anti-hyperglycemic and insulin:

Turmeric can possibly reduce insulin resistance. This means that you must be aware of and monitor your glucose levels regularly.



There a great many chemo drugs that are actually known to be enhanced by turmeric, whether for cancer or things like rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. There are also drugs that may not work well with turmeric. Please ask us for specific examples of research data …AND always work with your oncologist or rheumatologist. We will be glad to point you towards the most recent research data.



Turmeric has some antidepressant effects, specifically in terms of MAO inhibition. This means that if you are taking a drug which should not be taken with MAO inhibitors, you should check in with your physician before adding turmeric to your daily life. Additionally, the Piperine in the golden paste formulation can possibly slow down metabolism of many drugs, and make their side effects greater. 

These include such drugs as SSRI’s, SSNRIs (Zoloft, Paxcil, Prozac are examples) and tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline for example) Turmeric has a mild MAO-Inhibitor effect; any cautions about MAOI-s and dietary items in combinations with tricyclics and SSRIs and SSNRIs should be noted.

The interaction can cause general malaise all the way to serotonin syndrome, which can be fatal.  Bottom line: MANY commonly prescribed antidepressants, anti-psychotics, anti-anxiety drugs are extremely powerful drugs with rotten side-effects.

Please be very careful if you are using any psychotropic drugs and adding in any herbal or dietary substance to your daily regime. Some people are very sensitive to even very small alterations in dosages. You need to know what class of drugs you are taking and you MUST work closely with your physician if you are taking these drugs, or attempting to wean off them.



The Piperine in the golden paste can possibly slow metabolism of narcotics like morphine, fentanyl, and codeine. This means that side effects can be increased. If you are taking narcotics of any sort, especially long term, then you need to work with your physician when adding any substance to your diet that can change how the drugs work in your body. Please, even when you find that your pain is relieved by using turmeric, do not stop using any narcotic suddenly.


Anti-seizure medications:

the Piperine in the golden paste can possibly slow down metabolism of drugs such as phenobarbital, phenytoin (Dilantin) and benzodiazepines like valium, midazolam, Ativan, serax. This means that the therapeutic blood levels and effects may be increased. Please make sure that your physician or veterinarian is aware that you are adding turmeric and black pepper to your diet.


Anti-hypertensives and diuretics:

Typically, four classes of drugs are prescribed to reduce high blood pressure: ACE inhibitors; Beta-blockers; Calcium channel blockers; Diuretics. Because either turmeric or Piperine in black pepper can possibly interact with or increase effects, you should be monitoring your blood pressure regularly.

ACE inhibitors are commonly used to decrease blood pressure by modulating action and production of a specific hormone (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme). Examples: benazepril (Lotensin), Captopril (Capten), enalapril (Vasotec), Lisinopril (prinavil orZestril) , Ramipril (altace) as well as others. *Turmeric also has a mild ACE inhibiting action, so the effects of this class of drugs could be increased by taking turmeric. Beta blockers basically block a particular part of the autonomic nervous system to decrease ‘fight or flight” reactions. They slow heart rate, decrease blood.

Pressure. Examples: Propranolol Hydrochloride, Timolol, Metoprolol, Atenolol, and Nadolol. *Piperine in black pepper can possibly increase the effects of beta blockers. Calcium channel blockers reduce blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels. Examples: Verapamil (Isoptin, Calan SR, and Verelan), Amlodipine (Norvasc), Felodipine (Plendil), sustained-release nifedipine (Procardia X) *Turmeric also has mild calcium channel blocking effects, so could increase the effects of these drugs. Diuretics: reduce blood pressure indirectly by increasing urine output, which clears excess fluid from the body and lungs.

Diuretics also help relax artery walls, thereby reducing blood pressure.*Turmeric is also a mild diuretic. Generally there seem not to be any specific interactions with any of the commonly prescribed diuretic drugs.



In general, golden paste can safely be taken with most antibiotics with rare exceptions. It is not recommended to use with antibiotics in the fluoroquinolone class, as it is known to decrease their antimicrobial effects. This includes most commonly, Ciprofloxacin (and gemifloxacin, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, ofloxacinef); and Baytril (enrofloxacin) used in animals. If you have a question about a specific antibiotic, ask your doctor, vet or pharmacologist, or post a query on the TUG page.


Antirejection medications:

If you have had a transplant of any sort, your first resource when adding any dietary items or herbals must be your medical team. Curcumin has actually been studied with specific drugs used post-transplant with some positive results, BUT some of the drugs used to suppress rejection have very, very tight tolerances as to effectiveness vs toxicity. Please consult with your specialist and/or pharmacist BEFORE adding turmeric and black pepper to your diet.

If you have any more questions regarding turmeric or would like to join a supportive turmeric group check out our Turmeric User Group on Facebook.



  • This is brilliant. Perhaps the sole location on the world wide web, including pharmacology journals, where this specific information is available. Brilliantly done.

    Mag on

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