All About Cacao
All About Cacao
The whole focus of my TU*GO bars is delivering a palatable, effective, convenient, dose of turmeric that fits in your pocket. I have included several beneficial synergistic ingredients to make digestion better and last longer.
Unlock the secrets of Cacao
Cacao originated in Central America and evidence of its revered use for medical, health and recreational purposes goes back 2,000 years throughout the cultures from Mexico to Central America, and was introduced to Europe by Spanish explorers 500 years ago, and has remained popular over the ages for its health benefits as well as taste. Cacao contains metabolically active compounds: flavanols, procyanidins, high levels of epicatechin, and palatable fats.
Cacao Offers Better Health
Consuming cacao is linked to better blood flow and improved insulin sensitivity. When epicatechin is absorbed by the body, it activates an insulin signalling pathway, which causes a mild increase in glucose uptake. Increased glucose uptake means the body is able to take in sugar from the blood more effectively (1). Epicatechin, like curcumin, can improve life expectancy by increasing blood flow and oxygenation in the brain and it plays a protective role during aging by mitigating the effects of impaired mitochondria.
Whole turmeric rather than curcumin has been pinpointed as the effective agent in reversing Alzheimer’s and the compound turmerone is the active one, and together with cacao, chia, and coconut oil, forms a powerful synergistic team of cognition (2) enhancing agents (7). Cacao increases the production of Nitric Oxide, a molecule that widens blood vessels and improves blood flow to heart, kidneys, and muscle and so lowers blood pressure. Also cacao reduces stiffness in arteries and reduces aging effects (4) (5). Cacao along with turmeric, nurtures a healthy immune system (3).
Flavonoid phytonutrients in the ingredients: cacao, almonds, flaxseed (linseed), and turmeric (2), increase resting metabolism and fat oxidation (5) and thereby induces weight loss. Another important point to increase fat loss is to stop (or reduce if you don’t have the will) consumption of all added sugars and highly processed foods. We find that these natural, whole food bars decrease the desire to snack because your metabolism is actively keeping blood glucose levels stable and so hunger pains disappear.
Curcumin (2) also lowers blood glucose by stimulating an enzyme in skeletal muscle and other tissue such as the liver, to absorb glucose. Curcumin appears to be synergistic with insulin in regards to reducing blood sugar levels and the effect together with cacao is good, but blood sugar levels need to be monitored in case injected insulin needs to be reduced.
Curcumin, with cacao, along with the other active ingredients in the TU*GO, appear to be highly effective in reducing symptoms of osteoarthritis (2), and inflammatory pain.
Adding cacao to turmeric, apart from tasting great, also increases the metabolic effect. And that is why I have included it in this bar for human use .
- https://examine.com/supplements/Cocoa+Extract/
- https://examine.com/supplements/Curcumin/
- http://nutritionfacts.org/video/a-treatment-for-chronic-fatigue-syndrome/
- http://nutritionfacts.org/video/dark-chocolate-and-artery-function/
- http://nutritionfacts.org/video/fat-burning-via-flavonoids/
- http://nutritionfacts.org/video/spicing-up-dna-protection/
- http://nutritionfacts.org/video/treating-alzheimers-with-turmeric/
Cacao can be hand-refined and organic, it is not processed like chocolate.
This is where chocolate comes from, that burnt/bittery/buttery/
This raw form of cacao is particularly very good for us. Milk chocolate is highly processed, full of added sugar, preservatives, and scarce of nutrients - not good for us.
Always look for organic dark chocolate with no added sweeteners for optimum chocolate or buy it pure, and enjoy with fruits or in milkshakes.
Food of the gods. Raw Cacao. Elaborate ceremonies were performed by ancient Aztecs 4,000 years ago, and cacao was revered as a gift from Quetzalcoatl, the power of wisdom.
Need Brain Food?
And it is brain food - it improves memory, increases blood flow, makes you happy, and gives you energy.
Fresh cacao. Hanging around waiting to be picked. They then get roasted to separate the bean from the flesh inside.
Once Europeans found out about cacao/cocoa around the 1500s, it became very popular, spread widely, and was used often in hot drinks, copied from traditional indigenous methods.
So important, it has been used as currency and is still a staple in army rations.
The whole bean, removed from the fruity white pulp that lines inside the shell, and placed back in the pod for presentation.
CACAO originated in Central America and evidence of its revered use for medical, health, and recreational purposes goes back 2,000 years throughout the cultures from Mexico to Central America, and was introduced to Europe by Spanish explorers 500 years ago, and has remained popular over the ages for its health benefits as well as taste. Cacao contains metabolically active compounds: flavanols, procyanidins, high levels of epicatechin, and palatable fats.
Consuming cacao is linked to better blood flow and improved insulin sensitivity. When epicatechin is absorbed by the body, it activates an insulin signalling pathway, which causes a mild increase in glucose uptake. Increased glucose uptake means the body is able to take in sugar from the blood more effectively (1). Epicatechin, like curcumin, can improve life expectancy by increasing blood flow and oxygenation in the brain and it plays a protective role during aging by mitigating the effects of impaired mitochondria.
Whole turmeric rather than curcumin has been pinpointed as the effective agent in reversing Alzheimer’s and the compound turmerone is the active one, and together with cacao, chia, and coconut oil, forms a powerful synergistic team of cognition (2) enhancing agents (7). Cacao increases the production of Nitric Oxide, a molecule that widens blood vessels and improves blood flow to heart, kidneys, and muscle and so lowers blood pressure. Also cacao reduces stiffness in arteries and reduces aging effects (4) (5). Cacao along with turmeric, nurtures a healthy immune system (3).
Cacao Benefits
Flavonoid phytonutrients in the ingredients: cacao, almonds, flaxseed (linseed), and turmeric (2), increase resting metabolism and fat oxidation (5) and thereby induces weight loss. Another important point to increase fat loss is to stop (or reduce if you don’t have the will) consumption of all added sugars and highly processed foods. We find that these natural, whole food bars decrease the desire to snack because your metabolism is actively keeping blood glucose levels stable and so hunger pains disappear.
Curcumin (2) also lowers blood glucose by stimulating an enzyme in skeletal muscle and other tissue such as the liver, to absorb glucose. Curcumin appears to be synergistic with insulin in regards to reducing blood sugar levels and the effect together with cacao is good, but blood sugar levels need to be monitored in case injected insulin needs to be reduced.
Curcumin, with cacao, appear to be highly effective in reducing symptoms of osteoarthritis (2), and inflammatory pain.
Adding cacao to turmeric, apart from tasting great, also increases the metabolic effect.
1. https://examine.com/
2. https://examine.com/
3. http://nutritionfacts.org/
4. http://nutritionfacts.org/
5. http://nutritionfacts.org/
6. http://nutritionfacts.org/
7. http://nutritionfacts.org/