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To begin with, we must stop treating organic turmeric tablets and capsules as a drug. Dr Doug English and his team believe that the NUMBER ONE and BEST way to include turmeric in your diet (and your pets' diets, too!) is to use it in form of turmeric products which contain Golden Paste, a blend of poly- and monounsaturated fats, turmeric and black pepper. For more information, please visit begin your turmeric journey to learn more about the natural health benefits of turmeric!

Curcumin versus Turmeric - What is the Difference?

by Liz Wallis (T.U.G admin)

Turmeric, one of the most frequently used spices in Indian cuisine, is widely touted as the new superfood, miracle drug, cure-all, et cetera. Though much of what is written about it misrepresents it badly. The greatest misunderstanding seems to be whether to use the word "turmeric" or "curcumin". One sees article after article that promotes turmeric all the way through the article, and then at the end, suggests using a curcumin supplement.

But aren’t they the same thing?

Emphatically not. Turmeric is the rhizome (part of the plant’s stalk) of the curcuma genus (most of what is available in the west is from varieties of the species curcuma Longa). Curcumin is just one of the active ingredients in turmeric; one of three curcuminoids. It is the most significant of the active ingredients but by no means the only one.

Turmeric has been carefully studied and documented by Ayurveda, a traditional medical system of India going back thousands of years. Curcumin as a specific constituent of turmeric wasn’t known until sometime in the 19th century. Its exact chemical structure wasn’t determined until 1910. It has been heavily scrutinized in Western laboratories for its pharmaceutical properties since the 1940’s. Many of the studies and trials performed in Indian hospitals and universities used the whole turmeric rhizome, but most of those conducted in the west have used a 95% standardized extract of curcumin.

There are good reasons for medical trials to use standardized extracts, primarily to ensure that the results of the trial are a consequence of specific known factors. However, it has also resulted in the repeated confusion between whole turmeric and the extract of curcumin. Even some well-researched and peer-reviewed articles refer to turmeric and curcumin interchangeably, so it’s no wonder the ordinary person on the street is often confused.

If curcumin is the primary active component, then what difference does it make?

First, as mentioned above, it is not the only active ingredient. For example, the turmerones (the oils in turmeric) are being studied now for their pharmacological activity, as well as the other curcuminoids (besides curcumin). These are not the only constituents with potential pharmaceutical benefits. Additionally, the various ingredients work best together, as they evolved together in “synergy” with each other. Synergy describes the way in which individual components of a system contribute to a result greater than the sum of all the single constituents. The word gets thrown around a lot in ways that have nothing to do with its actual meaning. In reality, it’s a sound principle with many examples from the biological and physical sciences.

Second, while the use of concentrated single-ingredient products may have utility in research, it doesn’t translate to this being the best way for people to eat the foods they came from. No one would suggest eating just the quercetin extracted from apples and blueberries instead of the whole fruit, or the bromelain extracted from pineapples instead of pineapple itself. Yes, those ingredients are indeed sold as supplements, but not as substitutes. We recognize that whole fruits and vegetables possess other valuable properties and should generally be eaten in their original form. Yet, illogically, the idea has persisted and spread that the curcumin extracted from turmeric is somehow preferable to turmeric itself.

Third, the promotion of extracted curcumin as a substitute for turmeric has a questionable purpose. The rhizomes which are sold fresh, and from which powdered turmeric is obtained, are from a plant that is not only cultivated by thousands of small farmers but, in many places, grows wild. It is not something that can be patented (a patent actually was granted, but later withdrawn). It is not, therefore, profitable for pharmaceutical companies in its original form. It is registered by the world's regulatory agencies as a food. However, a unique formulation of curcumin can be patented, and several have been. Therefore, it is in the interest of the supplement manufacturers to repeat statements such as “curcumin is poorly absorbed”, or “curcumin is not easily bio-available,” and then to point out how their formulation gets around those claims. They conveniently don’t mention, of course, that used in the traditional way (used for thousands of years, in fact), turmeric is indeed bio-available.

Fourth, the high concentration of curcumin in many of these extracts is, in itself, a concern. No studies have been done on their long term safety. Early supplement containers often were labelled with “Use only for three months” or similar warnings, because most of the trials had been conducted for no more than three months. Those who promote curcumin supplements point to the fact that humans have been given up to 8 grams of high-concentrate curcumin extracts a day for three months without adverse effects. One blogger, fighting melanoma, reports that she has taken 8 grams of curcumin a day for over four years without a problem. And in fact, we do often suggest that curcumin supplements be used in addition to the Golden Paste in cases of severe disease. However, those situations don’t represent the typical person ingesting curcumin-extract supplements for an extended period. The fact is that we simply don’t know what the long term effects might be. We do know that the curcumin from commercial capsules is a far higher amount than the body can use and that they don’t include all the other benefits of the whole turmeric.

So how should you consume turmeric?

To begin with, stop treating it as a drug. It is a food {with some potent pharmaceutical properties, no question), but it has been used as a food –a spice–for thousands of years with minimal (and well-documented) side effects. Unless you’re eating an Indian diet, using turmeric as it has always been used, combine it with a non-inflammatory oil and freshly ground black pepper in Golden Paste.

Add the Golden Paste to other foods–any savoury dish such as soups, stews, casseroles, eggs, rice and pasta dishes. Add it to yoghurt, smoothies, coffee, cocoa and other hot beverages. Start out with about 1/4 tsp a couple of times a day, until you get used to it. Given that turmeric stimulates the digest system, consuming too much at first can lead to digestive upsets.

As you become accustomed to it, after a week or so, increase the amount you’re using by adding it a third or even fourth time during the day. If you’re healthy and just want to maintain good health, you may not need any more than that. If you suffer from an inflammatory condition, such as arthritis, you can continue to increase your consumption until you experience relief from symptoms, remaining mindful of potential side effects that may surface due to excess turmeric consumption (stomach rumbling, gas, soft bowel movements, or even diarrhoea). If side effects develop, reduce the amount you’re eating until those side effects are no longer experienced. We do recommend that you do not exceed 3 teaspoons per day, but most people will not need this much.

Are there any other adverse effects?

The juice of fresh raw turmeric can cause an allergic reaction which can present as contact dermatitis (an itchy skin rash), though it is uncommon. However, this symptom is less likely to develop from consuming powdered turmeric. Allergies to turmeric exist, although they are rare. In contrast to the large number of food allergies people deal with routinely, an allergic reaction to turmeric is extremely rare, in fact.

If you’ve never used turmeric in cooking, or seldom eat Indian food, you may experience one of the less common initial side effects. A few people have a slight headache or may see skin eruptions like a mild rash or dry patches. Drinking more water usually takes care of both of these. If you persist with the very small recommended initial amount of the paste (1/4 teaspoon), both will remedy.

Some people react to the type of oil they use in the paste, or to the pepper. If you experience an undesirable side effect, try changing the oil. Alternatively, if you know that you are allergic to black pepper, you can use the paste without the pepper. It won’t be as effective, as the pepper greatly aids in bioavailability. However, you will still receive some benefit. Some people have found that white peppercorns do not cause an allergic reaction for them. The problem appears to be in the fermented skin of the black peppercorns.

A few people have reacted to the salicylates-natural chemicals produced by plants-in turmeric, though that is uncommon. If you know that you are sensitive to salicylates, turmeric may not be appropriate for you.

Most medications do not interact adversely with turmeric or the other ingredients in the Golden Paste. However, if you are taking prescribed medications, please talk to your doctor or pharmacist about interactions with turmeric prior to consuming our turmeric products.